Worship Like a Dog

This, they say, is the difference between dogs and cats: Dogs think, “Hey, he feeds me, he picks up after me, he snuggles me, he takes care of me–he must be a god!” Cats think, “Hey, he feeds me, he picks up after me, he snuggles me, he takes care of me–I must be a god.”

When it comes to worship, we could all take a page out of our dogs’ book.

Look at all that God has done for me. He chose me before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), saved me with no work required on my part (Ephesians 2:8), adopted me as His very own (Ephesians 1:5), and He is preparing a place for me in heaven (John 14:2). “I must be something special!”?

No. That is cat worship. And we are to worship like dogs.

This, I kid you not, is the Greek definition of “worship” from the Strong’s Greek dictionary: to be “like a dog licking his master’s hand.”

Yes, really. Worship doesn’t have to be complicated. When I see what God has done for me–the sending of His Son, the blessings He has given, the abundance of grace He has lavished on me–my response is to be “Wow! What a great God I have!” Worship in its simplest form.