Peace and How to Keep It Ladies’ Bible Study

What: a study of the truths of God’s word which lead to a life of peace, using the book “Peace and How to Keep It” by Courtney Weir.

Who: for any woman who wishes to attend, led by Courtney Weir.

When: Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 starting January 13th, 2021

Where: Centerpoint Church in the Fellowship Hall

How: in addition to the in-person study, an online version will also be available for those who don’t feel comfortable attending in person or for those who miss a week for whatever reason. Videos will be available here roughly one day after they’re recorded (Thursdays, starting January 14th).

Why: because there’s not a person among us who couldn’t use more peace, whether because of a personal crisis, the global pandemic, political troubles, and economic issues, or simply because life is busy, demanding, and stressful. We could all use some peace, so let’s find some together.

Books are available both in print and as an ebook here. Print books will also be made available the morning of the study at Centerpoint Church.

Though books are available, they are not necessary. Feel free to attend without one.

To browse excerpts from this book, click here.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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