In These Strong Hands

Click here to hear the story behind the song.


Verse 1

Where were you, my child, in the beginning?

Where were you, my child, when earth was formed?

Did you see my hand carve the mountains from the sea

Hands that formed you before you were born


I’m the God whose hands hold fallen sparrows

I’m the God whose hands conduct the wind

I’m the God whose hands clothe the lilies of the field

And I hold you in these strong hands

Verse 2

Were you there, my child, when in silence

God Almighty said, “let there be light”?

Did you hear my voice shatter darkness with a word?

See my hands split the day from the night?


I’m the God whose hands hold fallen sparrows

I’m the God whose hands conduct the wind

I’m the God whose hands clothe the lilies of the field

And I hold you in these strong hands.


Did you see the curtain ripping?

Did you feel the valleys quake?

Did you hear my Son say, “It is done,”?

Hold the hands pierced for your sake?

Chorus 2

I’m the God whose hands hold fallen sparrows

I’m the God whose hands conduct the wind

I’m the God whose hands clothe the lilies of the field

And I hold you in these strong hands

Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear. You are more valuable than many sparrows. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. Matthew 10:29-31, John 10:29 NASB

Verse 3

Have you ever known Me to fail you?

I have never left my child thus far

For your name is seared deep into my nail-scarred hands

Written on my very heart


For your name is seared deep into my nail-scarred hands

Written on my very heart